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Coffin decorated with many flowers in the church. Funeral ceremony. Generative AI illustration

Checklist of things to do following a bereavement of a loved one

Losing a loved one is an emotional journey, but amidst the grieving process, there are practical matters that require attention. Here’s a comprehensive checklist to help navigate the necessary steps following a bereavement, categorized into Legal Issues, Financial, Housing, and Miscellaneous areas.

Legal Issues

  1. Register the Death and Obtain a Death Certificate:  This essential step is usually facilitated by the funeral director or can be done at the local registrar’s office. The death certificate is a crucial document for many subsequent actions.
  2. Contact a Funeral Director: Arranging the funeral is a pivotal aspect. Consulting with a funeral director can alleviate the stress of these arrangements during a difficult time.
  3. Notify Solicitors and Executors: If the deceased had a solicitor or named executors in the will, inform them promptly. If there’s no will, appoint an administrator to manage the estate.


  1. Notify Financial Institutions: Banks, credit unions, post offices, and companies where the deceased held accounts or shares should be informed.
  2. Cancel Financial Commitments: Direct Debits, Standing Orders, subscriptions, and insurance policies should be canceled.
  3. Government Agencies and Providers: Inform the Department of Social Protection, pension providers, tax offices, and any loan companies about the bereavement.


  1. Mortgage and Tenancy: If the deceased had a mortgage or rented accommodation, changing names on relevant documents is necessary.
  2. Utility Bills: Ensure utility bills are transferred to the appropriate executor or administrator.
  3. Post Redirection: Contact An Post to redirect mail to the designated executor or administrator.


  1. Employment and Education: Notify the deceased’s employer or educational institution about the situation.
  2. Health Services: Contact the Local Health Office or relevant organizations if the deceased was receiving community care services or awaiting medical appointments.
  3. Travel and Reservations: Inform travel agencies, hotels, airlines about cancellations and inquire about refund options for any bookings made by the deceased.
  4. Official Documentation: Return the deceased’s passport to the passport office for cancellation and update the local authority’s register of electors.

Navigating these practical steps after a bereavement can be overwhelming. It’s advisable to seek assistance from close family, friends, or professionals to help manage these tasks efficiently while allowing yourself the necessary time and space to grieve.

Remember, each situation is unique, and seeking legal or financial advice may be beneficial based on individual circumstances.

Take care during this challenging time.

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