Top Verses for Funeral Cards

Verses for Funeral Cards play an integral part in every funeral memorial card design. Choosing the right verse not only honors our departed loved ones but it also preserves and adds a personal tribute to their legacy as well.

At Eternal Memorial Cards Ireland, we have successfully compiled a number of our most popular verses for funeral cards and poems that our customers have selected, since we started our memorial card Printing business back in 1991.

Since then we have been printing and extending our Irish designed memorial stationery and products to an ever growing customer base across Ireland.

In recognition of this and to offer our help to our customers at this difficult time, we have listed  below 10 of the most popular verse for funeral cards which can be used in a variety of memorial stationery products. These may include our memorial Cards, Memorial Bookmarks, Wallet Cards, Lifetime Cards or even our exclusive personalised Memorial Candles.

Below are our most popular verses for funeral cards but if you would like to view our full short and long verses list please visit our homepage.

1. Don’t remember me with Sadness…

Don’t remember me with sadness, Don’t remember me with tears, Remember all the laughter, We’ve had throughout the years. Then when the summer sunshine, Awake the flowers in bloom, I’ll walk that light from heaven, Around the corner of the room. Do the things we did before, The same in every way, Just whisper a little prayer to me, At the dawn of every day. Just think of me as present, Don’t think of me as past, For a mother’s love is a blessing, In death it still will last. Forget your troubles and your worries, They are mine forevermore, I’ll watch and care and love you, From heaven’s open door. And when your road gets rough and rocky, Or your down and need a crutch, Remember I’m right beside you, Just an inch too short to touch”.

2. A loving Father

“A loving husband, father and grandfather too, each one of us thought the world of you, 

For us you always did your best; God grant your soul eternal rest. 

Quickly and quietly came the call, Without farewell you left us all, A sudden call from God on high, You had no chance to say goodbye, Without farewell you fell asleep, But memories of you we’ll always keep.

 We did not know that morning, what sorrow the day would bring, 

When a heart of gold stopped beating, and we couldn’t do a thing. It broke our hearts to lose you,

 But you did not go alone, for part of us went with you, the day God called you home.

 We never fail to think of you, we never cease to care, 

We only wish we could go home, and find you waiting there”.

3. I am Home

“I am home in heaven, dear ones. 

Oh, so happy and so bright! There is a perfect joy and beauty in the everlasting light.

 All the pain and grief is over, every restless tossing passed; 

I am now at peace forever, safely home in heaven at last. 

There is work still waiting for you, so you must not idly stand, 

do it now, while life remaineth, you shall rest in God’s own land. 

When that work is all completed, oh, the rapture of that meeting,

oh, the joy to see you come!”

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